Forest Inspection Request How to Start Active Forestry
The best way to start active forestry on your property is with our Forest Inspection. See below for our 3 levels of inspections to choose from.
You are welcome to call us for discussion of how to proceed. Email or call Len at the number above for prompt response. We'll discuss the property's condition and your interests and concerns.
Forest inspections and consultations
Greenleaf offers three-pronged forest property inspections and consulting by our Expert Professional Forester to best fit individual landowner's needs. On all properties, we start with a phone call to get an overview of the land status, your observations, and your objectives.
The inspections include the following in a custom written report.
Wildfire Defense
General Home and Improvements
Forest Wildfire Hazard Zones and Access Routes
Forest Health
Overgrowth, insect and disease problems
Wildlife habitat, water, ecosystems
Trees and vegetation species diversity
Land Conditions
Terrain, slopes
Access roads and trials
Recreational and structural improvements
Neighborhood conditions
Each inspection includes a free proposal for forest work or resource
management for priority needs and opportunities within an affordable budget.
For larger properties, the inspection includes a free proposal for long term
resource and project management, and income/ cost offset opportunities.
To request an inspection, contact Len Lankford at with the following information:
Phone #:
Property Address, with description of property:
Approximate Acreage of Property:
Maintaining forested property has many benefits. The practice known as ecological forestry, which includes selective removal of trees and brush in overgrown forests (i.e.: thinning), leads to significant decreases in total insurance premiums for homes and commercial property, while also reducing the impact of wildfires in communities using these practices. Maintaining forested property can not only help protect against wildfires but also save money on fire insurance premiums.